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Prepaid cards comparison:
Which provider has the best offers for my wishes?

Austria's best-known prepaid card providers in comparison

I need a cell phone prepaid card...

mainly for surfing for unlimited Surfing for flexible use for the average everyday life

Prepaid cards comparison: Cheapest offers for frequent surfers

Who has the cheapest deals for mobile Internet on your cell phone?

 If you want to surf a lot, you need a large data volume. In our Prepaid cards comparison cuts Vectone Mobile is the best performer. The mobile provider from the United Kingdom has several great value card rates for Austria.
They all have one thing in common: a huge volume of data.

>> View all rates from Vectone mobile now >>

These rates do not include free minutes or free SMS and are pure data rates for cell phones. We recommend them to all those who only communicate via the Internet (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, etc.) or who want to use the prepaid card for an Internet stick.

Prepaid cards comparison: Unlimited surfing with the prepaid card

No throttling, no complications

The best solution for unlimited surfing with a prepaid card: 
yesss! Classic with the LTE Unlimited add-on package.

No roaming possible.

yesss! Unlimited

19,90 €

Prepaid card/no commitment
(Unlimited LTE: 19.99?)
To the provider

Prepaid cards comparison: The tariff with flexible units

Innovative & suitable for everyday use

With the so-called "tariff with flexible units", you have a fixed number of free units. You can then waste these as you please.

This is how it works
Let's assume your tariff has 10,000 units. 1 unit is 1 SMS, 1 phone minute or 1 MB. How you use these units is entirely up to you. The advantage of flexible units: There are months in which you make more calls, while you surf more in other months. With the flexible units you are prepared for every eventuality.

Magenta Telekom

Magenta is the only provider in Austria that currently offers rates with flexible units.

More information at Magenta: Mobile Klax