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Buy cryptocurrencies: Best 6 Online Trading Platforms

trading platforms

The cryptocurrency market is growing: While initially it was mainly computer nerds who were interested in Bitcoin & Co., nowadays many stock traders and financial professionals are already trading a wide variety of cryptocurrencies. And the market is not expected to flatten out in the coming months: Buying cryptocurrencies is becoming more and more important. In the article Buy cryptocurrencies we present the best 6 online platforms [...]

How do cryptocurrencies work?

How do cryptocurrencies work?

Although cryptocurrencies (such as bitcoin) have been around since 2008, the hype surrounding virtual money only hit the mainstream this year. The main reason: the extreme rise in value and the associated media interest. Everyone is reporting on it, whether ORF, Kronen Zeitung or Standard. More and more people are therefore asking themselves the following question: how do cryptocurrencies work? We explain [...]

IOTA: The better alternative to Bitcoin?

IOTA markets

In the world of cryptocurrencies, there has been a lot of talk about IOTA, especially in recent weeks and months. The price is currently still very low, so it may be worth investing. IOTA is supposed to be faster and better than Bitcoin. But is that really true? We do the IOTA check! What is IOTA? IOTA was [...]

Cancel cell phone contract: The template for all providers

Cancellation Template Post Image

Quite mean, actually: While only a few clicks are needed to get a new cell phone contract, canceling the old cell phone plan involves a lot of effort. It's not enough to make a quick call to the provider - a termination letter is required! Our cancellation template will help you get out of any contract. So that there is no ambiguity and it does not happen unintentionally that [...]

LTE unlimited as a DSL substitute - A crackpot idea?

LTE as a DSL replacement

With the rapid expansion of LTE in rural areas, more and more DSL customers are (rightly) asking themselves: Is LTE unlimited suitable as a DSL replacement? This is not a stupid question, after all, rural Internet via LTE is usually many times faster and the latency is lower than via the old copper cable connections. Austria is also one of the countries in which the [...]

Roaming EU: What changed in 2017 (review of the expensive roaming period)

Roaming EU 2017

A look back at the time before EU-wide free roaming. That changed in 2017. Before that, roaming was very expensive even within the EU. For a long time it was promised and reported about in the media, now the dream of many vacationers shall finally come true. Since June 2017, roaming charges for EU citizens throughout the [...]

Cell phone repair near

Cheap Mobile Phones 2019

The most important facts about display repair costs at a glance Display repair costs range between 35 ? and 350 ? This depends on the model, brand, age of the device and the repair store used. If you have not caused the damage yourself, the liability insurance may pay or within the warranty of the manufacturer You can repair your phone in [...]

Which tariff suits me? - 2022-Austria

Which tariff suits me? Austria

Whether you turn on the radio, the TV or your PC, you're bombarded by ads for cell phone rates everywhere. Although there is so much advertising, it is very difficult to find the ideal tariff. Some people like to make phone calls, others love to surf, and still others prefer to do everything at once. In the Austrian tariff jungle [...]

Cell phone repair Klagenfurt - The 9 best repair services

Cell phone repair Klagenfurt

123Mobile phone repair" Did your cell phone fall off the Klagenfurt Cathedral or into the Lindwurm fountain and you want to have it repaired in Klagenfurt? In our table you can find the 9 best providers for cell phone repair in Klagenfurt. You can also find information about which models the cell phone repair service in Klagenfurt repairs. No matter if you are looking for an Apple [...]

Earn money with Bitcoins: Is it still possible?

Earn money with Bitcoins

Bitcoins are currently experiencing a massive boom: no matter where you look - everywhere you look there is talk of the cryptocurrency. Within a few years, the price went from a few cents per Bitcoin to more than 10,000 ? per coin! Many people have thus helped the Bitcoin to great wealth. So, for example, this 18-year-old boy from the USA. But [...]